Dear Parents,
Season’s Greetings,
Education in a general sense may be viewed as a lifelong process of growth and as an activity which brings about changes in the social environment. The process of human development too invariably means Change a change for the better men of society. I have always believed that Excellence is never an accident. It’s always the result of high intension sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution.
Krishna Public school undertakes the challenging of molding the young impressionable minds into valuable assets of the society and pride of human race. This is made possible by the only and one and all of our school, worthy chairman- Mr. Rajesh Kumar Sharma who is exponent of this institution.
My best wishes to K.P.S. our Chairman and Management, staff, students, parent’s well wishes and all those are associated with this institution. I pray the God Almighty in his divine benevolence continues to lead and guide this prestigious institution for years to come !
Go from strength to strength and march forward Krishna Public School. Grow strong and walk onward and onward !
Best wishes and Thank you !
Poonam Singh